The digital era has given way to unmatched data generation and storage requirements. Data Centers come at the focal point of meeting these requirements. However, this growth has brought sustainability and energy consumption challenges. Moreover, the technology sector is expected to account for close to 20% of the global energy demands. The Energy Efficiency for Data Centers Summit has become an important forum facing these urgent issues. Its goal is to investigate novel approaches and plans for cutting energy expenses and emissions and advancing environmentally friendly behaviors in the data center sector.

Munters, an expert in environmentally friendly energy solutions, has acknowledged the importance of this endeavor by becoming a Bronze Sponsor of the summit. We will look at the importance of Munters’ sponsorship and its contributions to the summit in this article. We will also look at some details regarding the Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit to convey the significance of attending it. So, let’s dive in.

About Munters

Munters is one of the top global providers of cutting-edge, low-energy climate solutions for systems that are vital to operations. Furthermore, the firm has a long six-decade history. It has also achieved one of the best results in areas where energy efficiency, temperature control, and indoor humidity management are critical.

The company’s varied range of offerings includes three principal business domains:

  • AirTech: It guarantees exact control of moisture and temperature in mission-critical operations. This is by specializing in energy-efficient air treatment systems for commercial and industrial applications.

  • FoodTech: It is concerned with developing novel and sustainable climatic systems. This is for livestock farming as well as greenhouses and software. It maximizes the value chain involved in food production.

  • Data Center Technologies: As its name implies, it provides cutting-edge climate cooling systems. These are specifically designed for data centers. As a result, it gives operators all over the world access to energy-saving options.

​​Munters offers a plethora of knowledge and creative solutions. A wide range of cooling options are available from the company’s Data Center Technologies business area. It includes:

– Chilled water and DX air-handling systems

– Dry, packaged indirect air-side economizers

– Direct and indirect evaporative cooling 

– And thermosiphon-based split systems (SyCool) for liquid and air cooling.

The organization’s cooling systems are known for their exceptional energy efficiency. So, it makes them perfect for data centers that run around the clock, every day of the year. 

Munters’ Value Addition to the Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit

The summit has numerous valuable sessions to get rare insights. One of the sessions will be taken by Mike HERWALD, Sales Manager for North Americas, Munters. It will be on Effective and Cost-Efficient Cooling Solutions. This highlights the company’s value addition to the Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit. The following are some of the subjects it will cover:

Tackling the Challenges of Air and Liquid Cooling 

Munters are well aware of the challenges associated with both liquid and air cooling in data centers. This is because of their vast expertise in climate control systems. So, attendees will leave this event with a newfound understanding of how to overcome these obstacles. They will also be able to make well-informed decisions that optimize productivity and save energy usage.

Exponential Increase in Density and Reliable Heat Rejection 

The issues of consistent heat rejection become more pressing as data centers continue to expand in size and density. Munters is a great partner in tackling these difficulties. They have in-depth experience in thermal management systems. Managing the exponential growth in density while guaranteeing dependable heat dissipation will be covered in this session. It is a critical component in preserving peak performance and energy efficiency.

The Power Crunch and Resurgence of Evaporative Technologies 

There is a power shortage in data centers due to the constant need for electricity. As a result, it calls for creative solutions. Munters’ session will highlight the revival of evaporative technologies. It will also demonstrate how they can reduce energy use dramatically without sacrificing cooling efficiency.

So, the organization embodies the values that the Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit seeks to advance. They are a business that uses renewable energy sources in its facilities. They also purchase products from suppliers who uphold moral standards.

Also Read: Legrand Joins As Silver Sponsor For The Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit

Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit: Why You Should Attend It?

The Energy Efficiency for Data Centers Summit is scheduled for May 16–17, 2024 in Dallas, Texas, in the United States. This gathering of leading industry executives and innovators from the data center sector is going to be a noteworthy occasion. To influence the direction of sustainable data center operations, the summit intends to investigate the most recent developments, have dialogues, and establish collaborations.

Participants will learn about the newest technologies and industry best practices. This is for maximizing energy efficiency and lowering running expenses. The conference will include panel discussions, seminars, and keynote speakers on topics critical to the expansion of the sector and sustainability. It includes the use of microgrids,  creative cooling solutions, AI-enabled data centers, etc.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the data center energy efficiency revolution. Register now for the Energy Efficiency For Data Centers Summit to collaborate with industry leaders and contribute to a more sustainable digital future.

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