As Europe shifts out oil and gas, hydrogen is now poised to be an effective replacement for these carbon fuels. The EU has made the development of these technologies a priority as part of its efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy and achieve its climate targets.

So what is green hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is hydrogen that is produced using renewable energy sources, rather than fossil fuels. It is called “green” because it is a clean, an environmentally friendly energy source that does not produce greenhouse gases when it is used.

There are a few different ways to produce green hydrogen. One common method is to use electricity from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, to split water into hydrogen and oxygen through a process called electrolysis. It can then be stored and used as a clean fuel source. Green hydrogen has the potential to be a valuable energy source because it is clean-burning and produces only water when it is used. It can be used in a variety of applications, including powering vehicles, generating electricity, and heating buildings. 

It’s main advantages over other renewable energy sources are:

  • It is a clean-burning fuel that produces only water when it is burned, making it a potentially attractive alternative to fossil fuels. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of sources, including natural gas, coal, and water. This means that it is potentially more flexible and scalable than some other alternative energy sources.
  • It has a high energy content and can be used in a variety of applications, including powering vehicles, generating electricity, and heating buildings. There is already a significant infrastructure in place for producing, distributing, and storing it, making it easier to implement on a larger scale.

The downsides

There are also some challenges to using hydrogen as an energy source. For example, hydrogen is difficult to store and transport, and it can be expensive to produce. Additionally, there are still some concerns about the safety of hydrogen fuel cells. The production of green hydrogen is still relatively expensive compared to other energy sources, and it can be challenging to store and transport. As a result, it is not yet widely used as an energy source, but research and development efforts are ongoing in this area. 

Hydrogen’s future in the EU

In addition to funding, the EU is also working to create a regulatory framework that is supportive of the development and deployment of these technologies. This includes establishing standards and regulations for the production, storage, and use of hydrogen, as well as setting targets for the use of hydrogen in various sectors of the economy. The EU is also working to build up the infrastructure needed to support the use of hydrogen as an energy source. This includes building hydrogen refueling stations for vehicles, as well as developing the necessary infrastructure for the production, storage, and distribution of hydrogen.

What should companies know?

Overall, hydrogen has the potential to be a valuable energy alternative in certain situations, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The suitability of it as an energy source will depend on a variety of factors, including the availability of resources, the infrastructure in place, and the specific energy needs of a particular application.

The Global Summit on Scope 3 Emissions Reduction will bring together key industry experts to learn more about reporting strategies & carbon data management in a small-scale, industry-driven event, on 20-21st April 2023 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The two-day, hybrid event features in-depth case studies of supply chain transformation, carbon accounting, and networking breaks dedicated to exchanging insights and expertise on tackling Scope 3 emissions. Visit and or follow us on our social media to track other energy use and decarbonization events.




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